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Harpers and Hurlingham

LEADING WHERE OTHERS FOLLOW - MARKET LEADER 2023 (TN17) for the TWELFTH YEAR running having SOLD more properties (Price bracket £500,000 to £3,000,000) than any other agent. (In 2023 with 33.3% of the Market Share - price range £1m to £3m and 25% of the Market Share price range £750k to £1m,) Our Lettings Department has also LET more properties in TN17 than any other agent for the last FIVE consecutive years (In 2023 with 18.6% of the Market Share – price range £900pcm to £4,500pcm). Harpers and Hurlingham are independently owned and our Sales, Lettings and Property Management team comprises of professionals with many years' experience and excellent local knowledge.

Over the years our sincere professional proactive team has developed a reputation for providing a reliable, efficient, passionate and caring customer focused service and work with integrity and honesty. (see our testimonial section). No property is too Big, too Large or too Small. We thrive on selling property whether they are Country Manor Houses, Farmhouses, Barns, Oasthouses (converted or unconverted), Cottages or Terraced properties.