30 acres, Lancashire
An outstanding rural property comprising a refurbished, detached farmhouse with outbuildings and a thriving holiday lodge rental business with further expansion potential, set within approximately 30 acres of scenic countryside within the Lune Valley...
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Location All regions East Anglia East Midlands North East North West South East South West West Midlands Yorkshire Scotland Wales Northern Ireland All counties Bedfordshire Cambridgeshire Norfolk Suffolk
Price range No minimum £50,000 £100,000 £250,000 £500,000 £1,000,000 £2,000,000 £3,000,000 £4,000,000 £5,000,000 No maximum £50,000 £100,000 £250,000 £500,000 £1,000,000 £2,000,000 £3,000,000 £4,000,000 £5,000,000
Size range No minimum size 10 acres 20 acres 50 acres 100 acres 250 acres 500 acres No maximum size 10 acres 20 acres 50 acres 100 acres 250 acres 500 acres
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Quality fully equipped residential farm of approximately 224.09 hectares (553.74 acres). For sale by private treaty as a whole. Grade II listed Country Hall. Resilient...
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Agent details: Brown&Co
The Food Enterprise Park is a 100 acre development site within the Greater Norwich Food Enterprise Zone Fast track planning with LDO already in place Excellent...
Excellent location at A47 & Western Link Junction Suitable for a wide variety of commercial uses, subject to planning Up to approx. 10.36 acres, may split. Initial...
Development site extending to approximately 3.15 hectares (7.78 acres) with outline permission for 75 dwellings. Detailed Description The site extends to approximately...
DETAILED DESCRIPTION The land is a greenfield site currently used for arable production. It is bordered by mature hedging where it fronts Gowthorpe Lane and Main...
Land at Flowerport Lane Long Stratton, Norwich, Norfolk In all approximately 82.89 acres (33.54 hectares) For sale as a whole 33.54 hectares (82.89 acres)...
The site benefits from planning permission from Great Yarmouth council, reference 06/17/038/F for "conversion of existing barn to two dwellings and erection of forty...
A ring-fenced block extending to approximately 123.06 acres of productive arable land with amenity grassland...
Agent details: Savills (UK) Ltd
HURRICANE FARM, BODHAM, HOLT, NORFOLK Lot 1 - Bare arable land extending to approximately 31.35 hectares (77.47 acres) Guide Price £800,000 Lot 2 - Bare arable...
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