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30 acres, Lancashire
An outstanding rural property comprising a refurbished, detached farmhouse with outbuildings and a thriving holiday lodge rental business with further expansion potential, set within approximately 30 acres of scenic countryside within the Lune Valley...
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A substantial country house occupying a prime, elevated position in about 13 acres in the heart of prime West Sussex. - Garden House was built in the early 1800s...
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Agent details: Knight Frank
An attractive active mixed conifer plantation with a private loch...
Agent details: Savills (UK) Ltd
A beautifully refurbished farmhouse set in a peaceful position on the edge of Dartmoor National Park with secondary accommodation, superb equestrian facilities and...
A substantial equestrian facility with multiple income streams and large residential house set in the centre of the property with a private drive...
The Food Enterprise Park is a 100 acre development site within the Greater Norwich Food Enterprise Zone Fast track planning with LDO already in place Excellent...
Agent details: Brown&Co
MONMOUTHSHIRE Usk 2.5 miles. Caerleon 6 miles. M4 Motorway 8 miles. AN ATTRACTIVE COMMERCIAL FARM 5 Bedroom Grade...
Agent details: R.G. and R.B. Williams
A beautifully renovated Grade II listed house, and detached annexe set in beautiful gardens in a private yet highly accessible location. - Dillions Farmhouse has...
Agent details: Knight Frank - Country Houses
A residential farm which is located on the urban fringe to include a four-bedroom farmhouse, extensive ranges of agricultural buildings and versatile agricultural...
Agent details: Cheffins
An immaculately maintained Grade II Listed house in a beautiful rural setting. - The Old Rectory is an immaculately maintained Grade II Listed house in a beautiful...
A charming Grade II listed well equipped farmhouse with stunning views over Bewl Water. - Claphatch Farm is a charming Grade II listed Sussex Farm House dating back...
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