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120 acres, Development Land, Off Eastfield Lane, Welton, Lincoln, LN2 3NA, Lincolnshire
For Sale - Offers in Excess of £3,500,000

  • 16.17 acre green field site with Outline Planning Consent for 109 dwellings
  • Within the catchment for the highly regarded William Farr School
  • Development area 5.93 Ha (14.65ac) BNG area 0.61Ha (1.52 acres) Total 6.5

A greenfield site of 6.54 Ha (16.17acres) with an Outline Planning Consent for 109 dwellings including a S106 Agreement and S278 Agreement. Within the catchment for the highly regarded William Farr School.


Detailed Description

The development site, off Eastfield Lane is farm land, having been used for arable production in recent years. The land is relatively flat, rising slightly to the north, and boarded by mature hedges. To the west and south are existing houses. To the east and north is open countryside.


The site is very well located, being on the eastern edge of the village of Welton, and north of Dunholme. It is 5 miles to the outskirts of Lincoln. and 7 mile to the centre. From the outskirts of Lincoln it is dual carriageway to the A1 being only 22 miles from the site.

AMENITIES Welton is a commuter village, with a population of over 4000 It boasts, a convenience store, a butchers, flower and gift shop, hairdressers, a GP and health care centre, a dentist news agents and takeaways. There are 2 churches. St Mary's Church of England, and the Methodist Church, The village has a pub, The Black Bull, a library, Village Hall, sports and social club. Welton Manor Golf Centre sites in 120 acres including an 18 hole golf course, driving range, putting green club house, fishing lake and caravan park. EDUCATION The site sits within the tight catchment for sought after William Farr Secondary school. Founded in 1952 this Church of England comprehensive's most recent Ofsted report in October 2022 gave the school the following; Overall effectiveness Good The quality of education Good Behaviour and attitudes Good Personal development Good Leadership & management Good Sixth-form provision Good PLANNING APPLICATION The site falls within West Lindsey District Council The application reference is WL/2024/00024. Outline Planning for permission for 109 dwellings The initial reference is 146801 The Case officer is Ian Elliott Ward Dunholme and Welton Registered date 25/05/2023 Link to the portal: West-Lindsey Public Portal ( then go via hyper link LAYOUT/ BLOCK PLAN The scheme is Low density being 7.44 unit per gross acre , excluding an area to accommodate BNG north of the site. TRAVEL PLAN The purchaser will need to resubmit the a travel plan as part of their Reserve Matters application. SECTION 106 AGREEMENT A summary of the contributions is set out below: AFFORDABLE HOUSING Full policy compliant 25% affordable housing on the site, equating to 27 dwellings, made up as follows; 60% Affordable Rented 15% Shared Ownership 25% First Home (discounted by 30%) SERVICED PLOTS 5% of the market plots to be serviced plots for custom/self-build dwellings. NHS CONTRIBUTION Financial contribution of £68,942.50 (£632.50 x 109 dwellings) to be in accordance with the NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group's consultation response. TRAVEL PLAN MONITORING £5,000 to monitor the travel plan submitted with the application. TRO CONTRIBUTION £2,800 to LCC Highways to process extension of 30mph limit to site access. FOOTWAY PROVISION A footway along the western side of Eastfield Lane will be constructed by the applicant, as shown in drawing AP038224-PW03 Rev 1 Dated 23/02/22. This footway will extend from the site's proposed access in the north to the existing footway on the western side of Eastfield Lane to the south. It will be 103.5 metres in length and 2 metres in width. OPEN SPACE AND MAINTENANCE PLAN An open space and maintenance plan will need to be submitted. PASSING PLACES A layout and location for the passing places is in the data room. The details will need to be submitted as part of the Reserved Matters application. VIEWING To view the site please go on foot only and with a copy of the particulars. No vehicular access is allowed. BIO-DIVERSITY NET GAIN The Biodiversity Net Gain requirement on the site is addressed through the delivery of a net unit change of 11.65% for habitats and 39.19% for hedgerows. The solution will require refining as part of the Reserved Matters application, but in short a small section of hedgerow will be removed to create a road access and visibility splays. The gapping up of the hedgerow around the boundary of the site, except for connections to the footpath on the western boundary, accounts for the hedgerow net gain. In addition, the triangular piece of land to the north and immediately adjacent to the site will be utilised for "off-site" habitat and enhancement, through the delivery of 0.67 Ha of temporary grassland and clover leys. As such the area is offered as part of the sale for the delivery of BNG. For further detail see the PEA and BNG Statement in the Data Vault. Once refined, the final BNG Plan will need to include a BNG Plan and Monitoring Plan to be submitted and agreed in writing by the LPA. DRAINAGE STRATEGY The site naturally drains to the south east, with a proposed attenuation pond in the south east corner. The water from the pond will drain at agricultural rates into the ditch on the south side of the field and then away from the site along the roadside ditch to east of the site, which then flows southwards. DATA ROOM We have provided a data room which contains technical reports and supporting documents. These included; 01_AP038224-PW04(1) Existing Block Pla. pdf 02_AP038224-PW02(A) Site Location Plan pdf 03_AP038224-PW0(1E ) Indicative Layout pdf 04_Health Impact Assessment.pdf 05_ FRA_ Drainage Strategy Report.pdf 06_Ecoloigcal Appraisal and Report.pdf 07 _BNG_Statement.pdf 08_Transport Assessment.pdf 09_Transport Note Issue lA.pdf 10_Travel Plan.pdf 10a Travel plan additional correspondence 11_Footway Plan APO38224-PW03.pdf 12_Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Land off Eastfield Lane Welton .pdf 13_Biodiversity Net Gain Statement Land off Eastfield Lane Welton .pdf 14_Statutory_Biodiversity_Metric_Calculation Tool off Eastfield Lane Welton .pdf 15_Drainage Appraisal Report.pdf 15a_EastfieldS ite Drainage Plan.pdf 16_Energy Statement 240124.pdf 17 _Anglian Water Pre-Development Report.pdf 18_Design and Access Statement.pdf 19_5106 Agreement (engrossment).pdf 20_PHASE 11 ASSESSMENT, Welton 13.09.4 pdf For access to the data room please contact Shelly Jones. CONDITIONS FOR SALE The sale will be by private treaty, providing vacant possession on completion. VAT The guide price quoted within these particulars of sale is exclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate and, as far as we are aware VAT will not be charged on this transaction. WAYLEAVES, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY The land is sold subject to, and with the benefit of, all existing obligations and rights, including lights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water, electricity supplies and other obligations, easements, quasi-easements and all wayleaves, whether referred to or not in these Particulars. ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING LEGISLATION In accordance with the most recent Anti Money laundering Legislation, buyers will be required to provide proof of identity and address to the selling agent once an offer has been submitted and accepted (subject to contract) prior to solicitors being instructed. LEGAL COSTS Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in this transaction. In addition to the sale price there will be an overage in favour of the Vendor that any GIA per sq ft on the site in excess of 143,679 sq ft GIA over all, and for the avoidance of doubt including the BNG area, the vendor will be entitled to 50% of the value of the additional sq ft irrespective of tenure, to be paid on the sale of the property or part thereof due on the sale, or occupancy whichever is the sooner . This obligation will remain in place in for 50 years. This overage is not intended to catch individual purchases of houses, but it will remain if the schemes, or part thereof, is passed on to a third party. CONTACT NICK DAWES 5 Oakwood Road, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN63LH For access to the data room or in support of Nick Dawes: SHELLY JONES For questions regarding the planning permission please contact: STEVE CATNEY


Property Ref.189272_442912. The information about this property is an advertisement displayed on our website by the agent referred to above. This advertisement does not comprise property particulars. AMC does not warrant its accuracy or completeness or the accuracy or completeness of any linked or associated information. Please see website terms of use