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64.92 acres, Dean Farm, Singleborough, Milton Keynes, Bucksinghamshire, MK17 0RF, Buckinghamshire
For Sale - £1,125,000

DEAN FARM Singleborough, Milton Keynes, MK17 0RF Approximately 64.92 Acres (26.27 Hectares) Farm Buildings Paddock Land Arable FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY AS A WHOLE OR IN UP TO 5 LOTS

LOCATION The property is located in the county of Buckinghamshire approximately 22 miles north east of Oxford, 11 miles north of Aylesbury and 7 miles West of Milton Keynes in the pretty village of Singleborough. DESCRIPTION Arable land complete with farmyard set within the village of Singleborough in the county of Buckinghamshire. The farmyard is strategically located and has potential for alternative use (STPP). The total property benefits from approximately 64.92 acres (26.27 hectares). TENURE AND POSSESSION The Freehold is For Sale with Vacant Possession. METHOD OF SALE AND LOTTING The property is For Sale as a whole or in up to 5 Lots. LOT 1 Equine/ Agricultural Yard and Paddock Land Yard comprising two Dutch barns with potential for alternative use (STPP), along with paddock land. This lot has direct access off Singleborough Lane extending to approximately 8.20 acres (3.32 hectares), and can be seen shaded Pink on the plan. LOT 2 Potential Residential Plot (STPP) Located within the village with direct access off Singleborough Lane and extends to approximately 0.15 acres (0.06 hectares). This lot can be seen shaded Yellow on the plan. LOT 3 Paddock land Pastureland known as Allen's Close and arable land in two enclosures with access off Singleborough Lane extending to approximately 6.08 acres (2.46 hectares). This lot can be seen shaded Orange on the plan. LOT 4 Arable Land Arable land with access off A421 extending to approximately 30.20 acres (12.22 hectares). This lot can be seen shaded Blue on the plan. LOT 5 Arable and Woodland Arable land along with 1.57 acres (0.63 hectares) of woodland, with access off A421 extending to approximately 20.29 acres (8.21 hectares). This lot can be seen shaded Red on the plan. WAYLEAVES, EASEMENTS & RIGHTS OF WAY The land is offered For Sale subject to all existing rights including rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water, gas electricity supplies, and mineral rights, easements, quasi-easements or wayleaves whether or not referred to in these particulars. There are two electricity pylons on the land in Lot 4. There is a footpath across Lot 3. SPORTING, MINERAL AND TIMBER RIGHTS Sporting, mineral and timber rights will be included within the freehold so far as they are owned by the Vendor. BOUNDARIES The purchaser will be deemed to have full knowledge of all boundaries comprising the property. Neither the vendor nor their agents shall be responsible for defining the boundaries of the ownership thereof. There will be fencing obligations on the purchasers on lots sold individually (further details to be provided by the selling agents). BASIC PAYMENT SCHEME, STEWARDSHIP & SFI The land is not subject to any environmental schemes. The BPS delinked payments are not included in the sale. LOCAL AUTHORITY Buckinghamshire County Council (Aylesbury Vale). TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKINGS (PROTECTION OF EMPLOYMENT REGULATIONS) There are no farm employees to be transferred under TUPE regulations. FIXTURES AND FITTINGS Those items mentioned in these particulars are included in the freehold sale and the property is sold as seen. HEALTH & SAFETY For your own personal safety and that of others, interested parties should be vigilant and follow instructions given by the vendor or Brown & Co when inspecting the property. Particular care should be taken when walking around areas where machinery or vehicles are operating. SERVICES There are water supplies to Lots 3 and 4, but these are currently disconnected. Drainage rates are payable to the Environment Agency on the agricultural land (further details to be provided by the selling agents). VIEWINGS Viewing is strictly by appointment with Brown & Co. Please contact: Tom Birks Daisy Miller WHAT 3 WORDS LOCATION SEQUECE /// DEVELOPMENT CLAWBACK The Vendor reserves the right to receive 30% of any uplift in value in the event that planning permission is granted (payment on the earlier of sale or implementation) for any use other than agricultural or equine, running for a period of 30 years from the date of completion. ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS In accordance with most recent Anti-money Laundering legislation, purchasers will be required to provide proof of identity and address to the Vendor's agents once an offer has been submitted and accepted (Subject to Contract) prior to solicitors being instructed. PLANS, AREAS & SCHEDULES This has been prepared as carefully as possible and is based on the Land Registry Title Plan however, it is not to scale. The plans are published for illustrative purposes only and although they are believed to be correct, their accuracy is not guaranteed. GENERAL REMARKS & STIPULATIONS These particulars are Subject to Contract.


Property Ref.189269_445677. The information about this property is an advertisement displayed on our website by the agent referred to above. This advertisement does not comprise property particulars. AMC does not warrant its accuracy or completeness or the accuracy or completeness of any linked or associated information. Please see website terms of use