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41.24 acres, Land At Kelshall, Royston, Royston, SG9 0QZ, Hertfordshire
Under Offer - For Sale £450,000

  • 41.24 Acres (16.69 Hectares) of arable land
  • For Sale as a Whole by Private Treaty

41.24 Acres (16.69 Hectares) of arable land

For Sale as a Whole by Private Treaty

LAND AT KELSHALL Royston, Hertfordshire 41.24 Acres (16.69 Hectares) of arable land For Sale as a Whole by Private Treaty

Detailed Description

LOCATION The Land is situated between the Hertfordshire villages of Kelshall and Sandon, approximately 5 miles south west of Royston and 6 miles east of Baldock, with frontage onto the public adopted highway. What3words: ///matrons.baseless.outbursts Nearest Postcode: SG9 0QZ THE PROPERTY The Land comprises 41.24 acres (16.69 Ha) of bare arable land, split into two field enclosures and currently cropped with a Timothy grass ley. The Land is classified as being Grade 2 agricultural land, being capable of growing a wide variety of arable crops and grass. The soil is of the Hanslope series, being lime-rich loamy and clayey soils. The boundaries comprise mature hedgerows with a broadleaf tree belt dividing the two parcels and a post and netting fence along the northern boundary with the adjoining property. ACCESS The Land benefits from two points of access onto the public adopted highway via two field gateways. GENERAL REMARKS & STIPULATIONS TENURE & METHOD OF SALE The Land is being sold freehold with vacant possession upon completion, and subject to any rights and easements as described in these particulars of sale. The Land is offered for sale by way of Private Treaty as a Whole. TITLE The Land is registered under Land Registry Title HD513687. SERVICES There are no mains services connected to the Land. WAYLEAVES, EASEMENTS & RIGHTS OF WAY The Land is sold subject to and with the benefit of all existing rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supplies and other rights, easements, quasi-easements and all wayleaves whether referred to or not in these particulars of sale. SPORTING, MINERALS & TIMBER RIGHTS The mines and minerals, sporting and timber rights are included in the sale insofar as they vest in the freehold. EARLY ENTRY Early entry onto the Land may be available following the exchange of contracts subject to a 20% deposit and entirely at the Purchaser's own risk. BASIC PAYMENT SCHEME The Vendor will retain all de-linked Basic Payment Scheme payments relating to the Land from the 2024 claim year until the scheme comes to an end in 2027. NITRATE VULNERABLE ZONE The Land is situated in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone for both groundwater and surface water. DRAINAGE CHARGES The Land is not subject to any Environment Agency drainage charges. VALUE ADDED TAX Should the sale of the Land, or any right attached to it become a chargeable supply for the purposes of VAT, such tax shall be payable by the Purchaser(s) in addition to the agreed sale price. BOUNDARIES The Purchaser shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all boundaries and neither the Vendor, nor the Vendor's Agent, will be responsible for defining the boundaries nor their ownership. Any red line boundary shown on the photographs are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent the actual boundary and are not to be relied upon. PLANS & AREAS These have been prepared as carefully as possible. The plans and photographs are for illustrative purposes only and although they are believed to be correct, their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. DISPUTES Should any disputes arise as to the boundaries or any matters relating to the particulars, schedule or interpretation, the matter will be referred to an Arbitrator to be appointed by the Vendor's Agent. ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING In accordance with the most recent Anti Money Laundering legislation, the Purchaser will be required to provide proof of identity and an address to the Vendor's Agent once an offer has been submitted and accepted (subject to contract) prior to solicitors being instructed. VIEWINGS & HEATH AND SAFETY The Land may be viewed during daylight hours with a copy of these particulars to hand, subject to prior notification to the Vendor's Agent. Viewing is at your own risk and Viewers should be careful and vigilant whilst on the Land. Neither the Vendor's Agent nor the Vendor are responsible for the safety of those viewing the Land nor do they take any responsibility for any losses or damages incurred during inspection. LOCAL AUTHORITY East Hertfordshire District Council, Wallfields, Pegs Lane, Hertford, SG13 8EQ VENDOR'S AGENT Brown & Co, The Fairways, Wyboston Lakes, Great North Road, Wyboston, Bedfordshire, MK44 3AL. Ella Redrup E: T: 01480 231811


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