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14 acres, Elstead, Surrey, GU8 6HQ
Sold - Guide Price £500,000

Just 35 miles from London, permanent pasture paddocks tucked away near the heart
of Elstead village, backing onto the River Wey. Currently producing a healthy
income from DIY Livery with potential to expand this enterprise.
This superb rural paddock property is nestled on the northern outskirts of this much sought-after village of Elstead. Located in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Elstead boasts accessibility to thousands of acres of common land.
Delightfully secluded, yet within easy walking distance of the village centre, the land is ideal for horse grazing; for lifestyle purchasers looking to keep their own animals; for dog walking/doggy daycare; or to cultivate crops/other horticultural produce (subject to usual planning consents). Minutes from the A3,
The property currently operates as a successful DIY livery yard producing a very
healthy income with potential to expand. Current infrastructure:
1 x double horse shelter 22’x12’
1 x double horse shelter 16’x12’
7 x single horse stables 12’x10’ or 12x12’
7 x single horse stables 12’x10’ or 12x12’
Each horse shelter has lean-to storage area approx 12’x8’ and water trough
1 x storage barn 4.5m x 5m x 3m, 1 x shared hay barn 3.8m x 5.5m x 3.2m, 1 x timber shed 8’x10’, 2 x workshops 8’ x 10’, 1 x tack room 10’ x 12’
BACK FIELD (additional livery)
1 x timber shed 10’x12’
1 x timber shed 8’x10’
SERVICES: Perimeter fully fenced with gated access at front and private access to River
Wey at rear. Individual solar power to many shelters and sheds. Three water standpipes
and water troughs to horse paddocks throughout, supplied by water connected and metered from the adjoining livery yard
ELSTEAD: Just 35 miles south of London and 2.5m from A3, Elstead is well served by a
PO, mini supermarket, independent shops, four pubs, village school and church, medical
and vet practices. A regular bus route serves neighbouring Guildford, Godalming and
Soil type: Soilscape 14, Freely draining very acid sandy and loamy soils
Local Authority:Waverley Borough Council, The Burys, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HR.
Telephone: 01483 523333 email:
Tenure and Possession: Freehold with immediate vacant possession available, with consideration to existing livery tenants.

01252 781640 or email:
When viewing please beware of potential rural hazards and livestock. Ensure gates are shut at all times.
1.These particulars are for guidance only. They are prepared and issued in good faith and are intended to give a
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2. Any description or information given should not be relied on as a statement or representation of fact or that the
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3.Any photographs show only certain parts and aspects of the property at the time they were taken. Any areas,
measurements or distances given are approximate only.
4.Any reference to or alterations to, or use of, any part of the property is not a statement that any necessary planning, building
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5.Any plans, maps indicating the boundaries or accesses to a property are intended as a guidance only and should not be relied
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6.The property is sold subject to all rights of way whether public or private, light support, drainage, water and other pipes, whether
referred to in the particulars or not.
7.Plans and Areas: These are based on the Ordnance Survey and are for reference only. The purchaser shall be deemed to have
Satisfied themselves that the measurements are correct


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