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109 acres, Nantgaredig, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire., West Wales
Sold (STC) - For Sale £1,000,000

  • 109 Acre Livestock Farm
  • Georgian Farmhouse In Need Of Complete Renovation
  • Range Of Traditional & Modern Outbuildings
  • Conveniently Located Approximately 1 Mile Off A40 Trunk Road
  • Outstanding Views Up The Towy Valley

A 109 acre farm lying about 1 mile from the village of Nantgaredig with easy accessibilty to the county town of Carmarthen. The former dairy farm lies in an elevated position fronting the B4310 road and enjoying superb east facing views up the Towy Valley. This is the first time that the property has been on the market since 1964 and it was farmed very successfully as a renowned dairy farm. It is believed that the house originally dates from Georgian times, however, it is now in need of complete refurbishment. The land is mostly good clean pasture land which is in good heart with large easily manageable fields.

The house accommodation comprises as follows;

Kitchen (18' 07" Max x 13' 07" Max or 5.66m Max x 4.14m Max)

Bathroom (7' 08" x 5' 08" or 2.34m x 1.73m)
With bath, pedestal wash hand basin, low level wc.

Living Room (16' 05" x 14' 06" or 5.00m x 4.42m)

Living Room (15' 04" x 11' 01" or 4.67m x 3.38m)

First Floor

Bedroom (16' 0" x 13' 08" or 4.88m x 4.17m)

Bedroom (8' 06" x 5' 10" or 2.59m x 1.78m)

Bedroom (16' 06" Max x 14' 03" or 5.03m Max x 4.34m)

Box Room (8' 03" x 6' 0" or 2.51m x 1.83m)
Including central heating boiler.

The land extends to approximately 109 acres or thereabouts. As shown on the enclosed Land Registry plan, the land lies in one convenient block. The land slopes up from the road frontage and plateaus on the western side of the farm.

Brick Garage and Lean to

Store Shed of block and corrugated construction

Traditional Stone and Slate Range measuring approximately 72' x 24'

Former Silage Clamp of steel frame construction with part block walls and corrugated roof measuring approximately 75' x 25' together with lean to 88' x 22'

Steel Frame General Purpose Shed of part block and part yorkshire boarding walls with corrugated roof measuring approximately 75' x 40' plus extension 33' x 20'

Mains electricity, mains water and private drainage. LPG central heating.

Health & Safety
Given the potential hazards of a farm , we ask you to be as vigilant as possible for your own safety when making your inspection , particularly around the buildings, machinery and livestock.

Plans, Areas & Schedules
A copy of the plan is attached for identification purposes only. The purchasers shall be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the description of the property. Any error or mis-statement shall not annul a sale or entitle any party to compensation in respect thereof.

Wayleaves, Easements and Rights of Way
There is a public footpath which runs through part of the most southern field on the farm.

The property is being sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights including rights of way, ( public or private), light, support, drainage, water & electricity supplies and other rights and obligations, easements and quasi-easements and restrictive covenants and all existing and proposed wayleaves for masts, pylons, stays, cables drains, water and gas and other pipes whether referred to in these details or not.

Local Authority
Carmarthenshire County Council, District Offices, 3 Spilman Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1LE. Tel: (01267) 234567.

We understand that the property is freehold with vacant possession.

Council Tax
Band D

Strictly by appointment please through the selling agents Messrs Clee Tompkinson & Francis through whom all negotiations should be conducted. Please contact our Llandovery Office (01550) 720440.

The agents will accompany all viewings. From Carmarthen take the A40 going eastwards. On entering the village of Nantgaredig, turn left on Nantgaredig square on to the B4310. Proceed for about 1 mile and the property will be seen above the road on the left hand side.

Fixtures, Fittings & Machinery
Unless specifically described in these particulars, all fixtures, fittings & machinery are excluded from the sale though may be available by separate negotiation. Further information available from the selling agent.


Property Ref.99976_PRK10765. The information about this property is an advertisement displayed on our website by the agent referred to above. This advertisement does not comprise property particulars. AMC does not warrant its accuracy or completeness or the accuracy or completeness of any linked or associated information. Please see website terms of use