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12.98 acres, Crowle, Worcester, Worcestershire
For Sale - POA

  • Exclusive residential development site
  • Located in Crowle
  • a highly desirable village
  • Planning permission for 65 Dwellings
  • Freehold sale by informal tender
  • Outline planning permission for up to 65 dwellings
  • 40% affordable housing provision
  • Gross site area of approx. 12.98 acres (5.25 hectares)
  • Walking distance to the village amenities
  • Close proximity to well regarded local schools

An opportunity to acquire an exclusive residential development site located in Crowle, a highly desirable village within Worcestershire with outline planning permission for 65 Dwellings.


The site is located on the eastern fringes of Crowle, a village located to the east of Worcester. Crowle's Parish Council list the population as being approximately 1,000 people. Crowle is a well-located village with Junction 6 of the M5 Motorway at Worcester just 3 miles distant and accessible via car in 6 minutes.

Crowle benefits from several facilities including a Church, First School, Community Shop, Parish Hall, Jubilee Playing Fields, Post Office and The Chequers Public House, all within walking distance of the site.
The area is very popular with families due to its rural setting, strong village community and excellent location for commuting to the wider region.

Postcode (approx.) –WR7 4AL

What3Words -///sparkle.eats.commended

The site comprises of agricultural land and extends to approximately 12.98 acres (5.25 hectares).

The site currently comprises relatively flat agricultural farmland adjacent to the existing settlement edge of Crowle, and which are defined generally by mature hedgerows. The field enclosure to the east is in arable production, whilst the western fields are currently used for grazing.

The north-western boundary of the site adjacent to the rear curtilages of properties off Froxmere Road, and the northeastern boundary of the site is defined by mature hedgerows and several trees along Froxmere Road itself.

To the west, the site is bounded by a treebelt. A public bridleway follows the boundary of the site in this location. Existing site vegetation will be used as a backdrop and incorporated into the new development.

The site in not within the GreenBelt, an AONB, a Significant Gap, a Valued Landscape, a SSSI or a Conservation Area and there are no designated heritage assets or TPO's within the immediate locale.

Local Planning Authority
Wychavon District Council.

Outline Application
Ref: W/23/00647/OUT

An outline planning application for the demolition of existing building, erection of 65 dwellings together with the formation of access, public open space and associated drainage infrastructure was submitted on 27th March 2023.

On 1 st February 2024 the application was refused.

Planning Appeal
Ref: APP/H1840/W/24/3343597

A planning appeal was lodged with the Planning Inspectorate. The appeal was allowed and planning permission was granted on 12th December 2024 in accordance with the terms of the outline application and subject to conditions.

A copy of the planning appeal decision notice is available in the sale pack.

Section 106
The obligations and contributions within the Section 106 Agreement accompanying the outline planning permission will be delivered and/or paid for by the Purchaser. The S106 Agreement contains the following obligations, in addition to the requirement to deliver 40% on-site affordable housing:

The site will be sold freehold, with vacant possession provided on completion.

Method of sale
The site is to be sold by informal tender with interested parties invited to submit offers in writing using the offer proforma provided and in accordance with the timetable set out in the covering letter.

The site has not been registered for VAT but the vendor reserves the right to do so prior to exchange of contracts.

Sale Pack
A pack of planning and technical information is available.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Wychavon District Council adopted its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule in April 2017. As the proposed development is located outside of the main towns of the District (Evesham, Droitwich and Pershore) and does not comprise a strategic allocation, a CIL rate of £40 per square metre will apply to market housing within the proposed development. As of January 2025, due to indexation, this £40psm charge has increased to £53.29psm. Again, the Purchaser will be responsible for any CIL payments.

It is understood all mains services are available, however, interested parties should carry out their own due diligence. The purchaser will satisfy themselves before entering a contract to purchase.

Public Rights of Way, Wayleaves and Easements
The property is sold subject to all rights of way, wayleaves and easements whether or not they are defined in this brochure.

Plans and Boundaries
The plans within these particulars are based on Ordnance Survey data and provided for reference only. They are believed to be correct but accuracy is not guaranteed. The purchaser shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all boundaries and the extent of ownership. Neither the vendor nor the vendor's agents will be responsible for defining the boundaries or the ownership thereof.

Reservation of Access
Both of the vendors and the promoter are reserving full rights of access over the development site (route to be agreed) to the retained land for all purposes, together with step in rights to construct any required access roads.

Strictly by appointment through Fisher German LLP

Technical Days
Dates to be confirmed in due course to interested parties.

Joint Agents
Hawksmoor - Tom Bathurst
Bowler Oakfield - Ian Bowler

Land Promoted By
Gleeson Land - Mark Noton

Acreage: 12.98 Acres


Property Ref.76049_ADZ250050. The information about this property is an advertisement displayed on our website by the agent referred to above. This advertisement does not comprise property particulars. AMC does not warrant its accuracy or completeness or the accuracy or completeness of any linked or associated information. Please see website terms of use