For Sale - £1,000,000 - 106.72 acres, Arable Land At Coveney, Short Causeway, Witcham, Cambridgeshire, CB6 2DG, CB6 2DG
Market Chambers, 25-26 Tuesday Market Place, , Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 1JJ
Tel:01553 770771
Fax: 01553 770331
Approximately 43.19 hectares (106.72 acres) of productive bare arable land offered for sale in four lots
Detailed Description
Guide Price: £1,000,000
LOT 1: 44.05ac £415,000
LOT 2: 36.60ac £340,000
LOT 3: 16.86ac £158,000
LOT 4: 9.23ac £87,000
The parcels of land are situated around the village of Coveney in Cambridgeshire as illustrated on the Sale Plan. Coveney is a rural village located 4.5 miles west of Ely and 20 miles north of Cambridge.
The offering includes approximately 43.19 hectares (106.72 acres) of bare arable land available for sale in Four separate Lots or as a whole. The access routes are marked as brown lines on the Sale Plan.
Lot 1: Two field parcels extending to approximately 17.83 hectares (44.05 acres) situated either side of a Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT) which provides access to the land from Long Causeway to the east. The land is designated as Grade 3 with the soils belonging to the Evesham 3 Soil Association being clayey and fine loamy soils over clayey. Past cropping includes combinable cropping as well as some root cropping. The northern field is currently farmed as part of a larger parcel, the north and southern corner boundaries will be staked when a sale is agreed.
Lot 2: Three field parcels extending to approximately 14.81 hectares (36.60 acres). The two northern fields are accessed from a BOAT connecting to Main Street. The field to the south is accessed via a BOAT connecting to Long Causeway to the east. The land is designated as Grade 1 and 2 with the soils belonging to the Peacock Soils Series being deep humose calcareous clayey and non-calcareous fine loamy over clayey soils with some peat. Past cropping includes combinable crops, sugar beet and periodically potatoes.
Lot 3: Extending to approximately 6.83 hectares (16.86 acres), Lot 3 is a single parcel of arable land with direct access from Short Causeway. The land is designated as Grade 1 and 2 with the soils belonging to the Peacock Soils Series being deep humose calcareous clayey and non-calcareous fine loamy over clayey soils with some peat. Past cropping includes combinable crops, sugar beet and periodically potatoes.
Lot 4: Extending to 3.74 hectares (9.23 acres), Lot 4 is a single parcel of arable land with direct access from Green Drove. The land is designated as Grade 1 with the soils belonging to the Peacock Soils Series being deep humose calcareous clayey and non-calcareous fine loamy over clayey soils with some peat. Recent past cropping includes sugar beet, maize and potatoes (2018).
Back cropping schedules are available from the Sellers Agents.
Some of the land benefits from underdrainage. Drainage plans are available from the Sellers Agents.
Lot 4 will be sold subject to a new Overage Agreement with a Term of 25 years which will be triggered on the implementation of a Planning Permission for non-agricultural use, or, on a Completed sale of the whole or part(s) of the land with the benefit of a Planning Permission. The Overage payment will be calculated at 50% of the Enhances value less the agricultural value, less costs including disposal and Planning costs.
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